UniHill Church


For Generations and Cultures
That Are Not Our Own

Cross cultural ministry flows from who we are as a local church. It is not something we ‘do’, it is who we are. We replicate who we are. Mission comes from how God has wired us as a local church, naturally reflecting what we do well at ‘home’.

Therefore, mission is not a department of a church. It is the act of mobilising our congregation to participate in what God has sent us to do. Our passion is to mobilise our congregations to participate in cross cultural ministry locally and globally.

Our Missional Partners

Cross cultural ministry flows from who we are as a local church. It is not something we ‘do’, it is who we are. We replicate who we are. Mission comes from how God has wired us as a local church, naturally reflecting what we do well at ‘home’.

Therefore, mission is not a department of a church. It is the act of mobilising our congregation to participate in what God has sent us to do. Our passion is to mobilise our congregations to participate in cross cultural ministry locally and globally.

Music Give Life – Australia

It is all about changing lives through music. They’re passionate about resourcing communities that have little or no access to musical instruments and music education, building ongoing relationships through shared cross-cultural musical experiences. Music Give Life is currently providing outreach to Northern Territory, South Australia and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Youth Alive Italia – Italy

The Youth Alive Italia Team is made up of young people from different churches and different cities with a common desire: to see Jesus’ prayer for believers carried out in Italy. Director Vincent Borromeo, with the Team organises Christian Youth events throughout Italy. The team deals with organisational aspects, but above all, it has the task of relating to those who participate in the events and of building friendships between the various members.

Kingdom Mission International – Myanmar

The vision of Kingdom Mission International is to train church planters, leaders, and disciple makers, sending, and where applicable, supporting those in the field who are establishing new churches. Thereby reaching the nations with the Gospel of Jesus.

Victory School – Black Sands, Vanuatu

James & Rebekah have been taking the lead in helping develop the teachers over in Vanuatu. UniHill Church has a long heritage of bringing the gospel to the nations. We have been able to provide relief in times of need and improved some facilities at the Victory School of Hope thanks to your giving. James & Rebekah are returning to Vanuatu soon.

Our Missional Values

  • Our heritage and roots

    God’s original purpose when our congregations were first established has not changed. It is “to be sent to the nations and for God to be known amongst the nations”.

  • Our local strengths

    Every church has a local expression that is a gift to the world. Who we are as a local church, how God has wired us to be, is what we do well and that is what we replicate in cross cultural ministry.

  • Our relational partnerships around the world

    God connects us to others who have the same vision and ministry expression. Mission is expressed through these relational partnerships.

  • Our people and congregations

    Our passion is to mobilise congregation members to do what God is calling them to do. We have church-wide projects and partnerships, but our primary focus is to realise our people into mission.

  • Our Indigenous Australians, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

    We have a commitment to our own first nation peoples.

  • Unreached people groups

    We have a biblical responsibility to participate in helping the gospel reach unreached people groups.