UniHill Church

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for UniHill Church at www.unihillchurch.com.au. This privacy notice applies solely to information collected by this website. It will notify you of the following:
What personally identifiable information is collected from you through the website, how it is used and with whom it may be shared.
What choices are available to you regarding the use of your data.
The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of your information.
How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.


We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone. We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organisation, other than as necessary to fulfil your request, e.g. to ship an order. Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about specials, new products or services, or changes to this privacy policy.


You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email at info@unihillchurch.com.au or by phone at 0423 165 320.
See what data we have about you, if any.
Change/correct any data we have about you.
Have us delete any data we have about you.
Express any concern you have about our use of your data.


We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline. Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as credit card data), that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a lock icon in the address bar and looking for “https” at the beginning of the address of the Web page. While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.

We use Church Community Builder to manage our giving platform. You can review their privacy policy and security document here: https://www.churchcommunitybuilder.com/privacy-policy/


We use “cookies” on this site. A cookie is a piece of data stored on a site visitor’s hard drive to help us improve your access to our site and identify repeat visitors to our site. For instance, when we use a cookie to identify you, you would not have to log in a password more than once, thereby saving time while on our site. Cookies can also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our site. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information on our site.

We use Google Analytics to analyse our website traffic and better serve our visitors. In addition UniHill Church utilizes re-marketing via Google AdWords and Facebook to promote products and services to Customers who have previously visited our sites. We use cookies to collect data for this purpose and data caching to provide a faster user experience. Through AdWords, Google may show UniHill Church ads on sites across the internet, and may also use cookies to serve ads based on past visits to UniHill Church websites. Customers may opt out of re-marketing by visiting Google’s Ads Settings.

Google has a privacy policy for visitors of sites that use their analytics program: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245

Through Facebook Ads users may also be shown advertising about upcoming events, products or services as a result of browsing the UniHill Church website. These ads also use cookies in order to serve relevant ads to our users.

Website visitors can manually clear any or all cookies on their device based upon the browser they are using. Please reference these resources for clearing your cookies:
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647
Mozilla FireFox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/delete-cookies-remove-info-websites-stored
Microsoft Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/278835/how-to-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer
Microsoft Edge: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy
iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265
Android Phones: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647
Opera: https://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/cookies/


Consistent with the Australian Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, we will never knowingly request personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13 without requesting parental consent.


UniHill Church has the discretion to update this privacy statement at any time. When we do, we will revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy statement periodically and become aware of modifications.

If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via telephone at 0423 165 320 or via email at info@unihillchurch.com.au